Friday, January 30, 2015

FIDE Trainers' Seminar in San Sebastian, Puerto Rico - RESULTS

The FIDE Trainer Seminar in San Sebastian, Puerto Rico, was held from January 14th to 16th, during the 2nd Open International Chess Tournament under auspices of FIDE, FIDE Trainers Commission, FIDE America, Puerto Rico Chess Federation and Commission for Women´s Chess. Special thanks to the FIDE Vice-president WGM/FT Martha Fierro for her valuable support.

San Sebastian

Together the excellent and enthusiast 22 participants and the lecturer. All of them made this successful seminar! Thanks to Cristobal Vega President of Puerto Rico Chess Federation and the San Sebastian Chess Club to her President: Brenda Vargas and his Vice president Jose Noel Soto organizers of the II Chess Festival "Narciso Rabell Méndez in Memorial".


REPORT (pdf)

FIDE Trainers' Seminar in San Sebastian, Puerto Rico - RESULTS